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Music History

Before 1800

The first studies of Western musical history date back to the middle of the 18th century. G.B. Martini published a three volume history titled Storia della musica (History of Music) between 1757 and 1781. [Martin Gerbert] published a two volume history of sacred music titled De cantu de musica sacra in 1774. Gerbert followed this work with a three volume work Scriptores ecclesiastici de musica sacra containing significant writings on sacred music from the 3rd century onwards in 1784.


Ludwig van Beethoven's manuscript sketch for Piano Sonata No. 28, Movement IV, Geschwind, doch nicht zu sehr und mit Entschlossenheit (Allegro), in his own handwriting. The piece was completed in 1816.
In the 20th century, the work of Johannes Wolf and others developed studies in Medieval music and early Renaissance music. Wolf's writings on the history of musical notation are considered to be particularly notable by musicologists. Historical musicology has played a critical role in renewed interest in Baroque music as well as medieval and Renaissance music. In particular, the authentic performance movement owes much to historical musicological scholarship. Towards the middle of the 20th century, musicology (and its largest subfield of historical musicology) expanded significantly as a field of study. Concurrently the number of musicological and music journals increased to create further outlets for the publication of research. The domination of German language scholarship ebbed as significant journals sprang up throughout the West, especially America.

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Yiruma Music Sheets

River flows in you

If I could see you again

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Recommended MVs

Here are some great recommended MVs, Enjoy!

1. Rihanna - We found love ft. Calvin Harris
Caption : This song has a catchy beat. I don't post the MV cause it has some kissing scenes.

2. Demi lovato - Skyscraper
Caption : The beautiful tunes and touching lyrics draw millions viewers.

3. Christina Perri - Jar of hearts
Caption : It's a beautiful song, the vocal range also matches most of yours.

4. Bruno Mars - It will rain
Caption : As always, Bruno Mars's songs always good to listen. This song was used for twilight's Soundtrack.

Here are my recommendations. Hope you enjoy it :)

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Vocal range

Vocal range is the measure of the breadth of pitches that a human voice can phonate.
How to increase your vocal range? The answer is easy, keep practicing.
You need to control your breath when singing. Breath through diaphragm will help to produce great sounds and vibratos.

Find your vocal range using the video below.

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Piano Theory

It's quite confusing to determine which keys should we play in ABCDEF or G for someone who don't study piano. Well, you came to the right blog! Study how to read notes using the easiest methods, and you'll be a fast note-reader in no time!

Piano keys.

Jot that on your brain. Here comes the piano notes.

Same songs sound a bit different when you play it in different keys. not every doremifasollasido is played on white keys, it's just used for C. See the picture below for more information.
This is the basic ^^ hope it helps! keep practicing :)

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